Saturday 13 December 2014

Change of leadership

So as some of you may have noticed, I (Persona) have passed on the leadership of Dare onto Swingfly. This has been an agreement in place from the start of our alliance and I have been waiting for Swingfly to rebuild her character so that she can efficiently lead the alliance. Now that time has come and I have given the rank to her, although we will still co-lead the alliance together and consult one another on alliance issues. The reason for this change is that Swingfly is now more active ingame than myself and I believe she also contains the strong-willed attitude and social skills required to take Dare further.

So, with all this being said I would like to wish Swingfly good luck, lets hope we can make ourselves heard on Rosal!

1 comment:

  1. Cheers to Swingfly!
    Cheers to DARE!
    Good Luck to All the Guilds in DARE Alliance :D
